Monday, September 08, 2008

spell check!

it would be wonderful if we could have a spell check feature. an AUTOMATIC spell check feature would be even better. :P

since downloading google chrome i realized something. i spend way too much time checking my spelling. when there's no spell check feature available on a website or on my browser i resort to any other means to quickly check my spelling.

this happens to me at work a lot since we use old versions of word and aren't allowed to download nifty tool my google toolbar. *snif*

spell check and a dictionary with a thesaurus would be even better!!! i've never actually seen a blog site with those features and that would rock.

think about it. how neat would this be? your word is underlined, you right click and see your suggestion or the option for synonyms. if your word isn't underlined right click anyway for synonyms. a short list anyway, with a reference to or some other dictionary source for a full list of suggestions. couldn't they be an affiliate or something? LOL

am i being dorky again?

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